
Thursday, 26 May 2016

What's Happening and some Holiday Pics

Hello my lovely peeps .. welcome to my blog.
Thought I would just post a quick update on what's happening here.  Not much at the moment, obviously LOL!!  
In my last post I explained we were going away on holidays so not much was going to be happening on the blog for a couple of weeks.  Well, since returning from a fabulous Cruise to the South Pacific, I have come down with the mother of all colds.  The bugs were lying in wait for us and attacked as soon as we got home.  Both hubby and I have been feeling miserable and quite sorry for ourselves the last few days.  Thought we were getting through it and feeling a bit better, and then they hit us again. 
Back almost to square one.  Anyways, won't be doing too much here for a few more days but thought, while I was up to it, I would show a couple of pics of Sydney Harbour.
These were taken on our way out. 


The ship was docked at Circular Quay and this was the view from our cabin.  We were situated close to the pointy end at the front (the prow .. LOL!!)  and you can just see one of the bridge wings on the right hand side.

 The other side of the Harbour.

Think everyone will know what this is ..

.. and this too!!  We got quite a good view as the ship swung around prior to heading out. 

Luna Park which is just on the other side of the Bridge.

Some people are lucky enough to live right on the water.  

 No idea what suburbs we are seeing here.

Fort Denison which was originally used for convicts but was converted into a Fort in the middle of the 1800's to protect the city from invasion.  Now I think it is mainly used for tourism.

 This is the far side almost at the Heads.

 Passing North Head on our way out to sea.

 As you can see by the photos, it was a beautiful day and a great beginning to our holiday.
Will show more pics as I get them sorted and, hopefully, I will be back with more crafty stuff soon.

Thanks to all who visited while I was away .. hope you'll keep coming back.

Take care, stay safe and God Bless.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful tour Marge! So sorry you are sick : / and wish for you a quick recovery~ Miss seeing your work : ')
    Blessings, Karen O

  2. So glad you had a wonderful cruise, the photos look amazing! I do hope you are on the mend real soon too!

  3. Ah - Sydney with her outstanding landmarks and stunning harbour. A lovely place to depart from, for you special holiday. Hope you are feeling better every day. :D

  4. Sydney certainly knows how to put on a good view or two!!! I SHOULD know the suburbs...but don't! They're great shots....& I hope by now you're on the up & up. I've just been laid low. One REALLY bad day [slept when I could BREATH!!!!!]....but feeling better now. It's AWFUL. Especially if it comes back. AWFUL!!! Hope you'll be back crafting VERY soon!!!


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