
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

On Holidays!!!!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog.

Just a very quick little post today to let you all  know that I will be away for a while.  Hubby and I are off on a Cruise to the South Pacific for two weeks .. it will be so nice to get away for a while.  I'm afraid there won't be any pics while we're away as we don't take the lap-top and we turn off our phones once we're on the ship but I will share some piccies when we get back.

I know it's been a bit quiet on my blog lately but, after this break, I am hoping I will be able to  get back into the swing of things.

Just want to say thank you to everyone who has visited and a special thanks to those of you who have left me some love and sweet comments.  I am really Blessed to have made some wonderful friends through this Blog and my Facebook page and I am so grateful to each and every one of you for supporting and encouraging me along the way.
Hope to see you back here in about two weeks!!
Take care, stay safe and God Bless.


  1. ooo Marg have a wonderful time wont you!!! It sounds so lovely to get away, and turn off those phones and relax... See you when you get back!! Bon Voyage!!

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Holiday!!! Enjoy and relax~ Karen O

  3. Well you won't see this, but I hope you will have the most fantastic time!! I just messaged you on Facebook, but I guess you will not see that either... Ah well, I'll hear no doubt when you are back, - enjoy every moment!!

  4. How exciting - have a wonderful time and it's a great idea to turn off the devices and just "Be" in the moment :D


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