
Sunday, 7 April 2013

Photos of New Zealand

Hello everyone.  Welcome to my little blog.
I've finally sorted through a few of the photos we took on our trip to New Zealand so I wanted to give you guys a little taste.  Let me just say, if you ever get the opportunity to go there, don't hesitate.  It is a beautiful country and we loved every minute of our trip.  Unfortunately our photos don't do it justice, but hopefully you'll get a small idea of what it's like.

 This is Tauranga a lovely town.  For those of you who are Lord of the Rings fans, we did a tour to Hobbiton from here and I might do a separate post about that.  It was a great experience. 

Next was Napier. 
Can you imagine the spectacular view the owners of this house has?  Scary though.
 This is a small park just on the edge of the shopping precinct.  It was really lovely.
Napier was rebuilt after an earthquake in the 1930's.  The buildings are all Art Deco and they are very vintage oriented here.  We had a tour of the town in this vintage car.  It was fabulous.
 This photo was taken as we left that evening.  Can't see much of the town but the sunset was spectacular.
 Here is Wellington taken from the cable car ....
 .... and from the Harbour.
 Now to Akaroa.  This is a gorgeous little french style fishing village.  We could have gone on the bus to Christchurch from here, but I'm glad we didn't because those who did go said it was very sad as most buldings haven't yet been restored from the terrible earthquakes they had here a couple of years ago.

 This is the bank with the church behind it...
... this gorgeous little building is a library...

... and here is the waterfront.
Our last landfall was Dunedin.  This park is gorgeous...
 ... and so is this church.  There are some really beautiful buldings here.
 We did the excursion to Taieiri Gorge on the train and here are a couple of shots we took on the way.
 Such spectacular scenery.  It was a great experience.
 Last, but certainly not least, is the cruise through the Fjordlands.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

Isn't it awesome?  It is very humbling going through these fjords.  You really can see and feel God's hand in this place.  It kind of  hits home how small and insignificant we really are. 
Well, that was the end of our trip.  Sorry it's such a huge post but this is only a tiny sampling of the photos we took.  We actually have over 500 of them.  Yaaach!!  I've now got to sort out the ones I want to put in the album I made.  Gives me a headache just thinking about it.  LOL.

Thank you so much for visiting today.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 
Take care and God Bless.
oxox Marg


  1. Fantastic shots and scenery. Those pictures will look wonderful in your mini album.

  2. Thanks for the memories Marg - I went to New Zealand 2 years ago and also loved every minute of it,

  3. Fabulous piccies, Marg...thanks for sharing them with us - just makes me want to go to NZ even more :)

  4. Wow Marg, what wonderful memories you have... of such a beautiful country. I remember many of the places you visited, and loved Napier. I loved seeing where you went and what you did .... I would love to go back. New Zealand is an amazing place.... thanks so much for sharing with us all.

  5. Amazing photos, I can't wait to see you scrap these!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  6. soooooooooooooooo beautiful , brings back fabulous memories x


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