
Friday, 1 February 2013

I Won a Prize!

Hello everyone.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
Yes, the title of this post is right.
  I Won a Prize!
Just before Christmas Sandie Edwards at Delightfully Crazy ran a giveaway competition for the followers of her blog.  There was just one prize and it was awesome.  Lots and lots of fantastic goodies so I thought, 'Why not',  and put my name in.
  So, in January Sandie had her gorgeous little boy Jesse pull out of the box the name of the person to win the prize, but he didn't want to stop at just one, he was having too much fun ( Told you he was gorgeous didn't I? ).  He pulled out a couple more and so Sandie, beautiful, generous person that she is decided to allocate two more prizes, and I won Third!!!  I was gobsmacked ( for those of you who don't speak Aussie that means 'stunned' ) I really hadn't expected anything and I was totally thrilled.
So, of course, I just have to  show you my 'loot'.
( Sorry folks, I don't have a video camera so there's going to be lots and lots of photos. )
 ( I'm not really sorry 'cos I really, really want to show you everything.  LOL )

Lots of beautiful hand dyed laces,  some gorgeous little charms, resin pieces some plastic flowers and brads and a little bit of bling.
Now for the close-ups.

Sandie wrote me a lovely message in this little card. Isn't it sweet?
Apparently it is one of the first ones she ever made and I will treasure it.

There are lots of gorgeous little butterflies which I can use in my charm strands and there's  some bees as well.    I love the large butterfly and the little heart, they will have to go on a special project.
 I haven't seen these before but they should look fabulous tucked into some flower clusters.  Can't wait to try it.

 Aren't these little urns beautiful?  But I must say those little birds have won me over.  I have to get some more of these.
Aren't they sweet?  Again, I can't wait to use them on something special.

Then there's these lovely resin pieces, and don't you just love that little teddy bear?
He is adorable.  That piece of bling will be great as a closure for a mini album.  Mmmmmm,  I know just the one I'm going to use it on.
And now, the lace.
Isn't this gorgeous?  
 And this...
And this...

 And this ...
Oooooohh!  I'm in heaven.  The colour of that seam binding is glorious.

And aren't these beautifully coloured as well?
Sandie hand dyed all these laces and they are just perfect.  I love every single one, and I'll probably cry if I have to cut them apart to fit on my projects but I can't wait to use them.
I would like to thank Sandie from the bottom of my heart.  She is such a talented and generous lady, if you haven't visited her blog, it is a must.  She is on quite a few design teams and does the most amazing work.  You can visit HERE. Please take the time to check it out.
Once again Sandie, thank you so much for my prize.  Love it, love it love it.
That's all for today.  Thank you so much for visiting.
Take care and God Bless.
oxox Marg


  1. All gorgeous. Can't wait to see how you use them.

  2. Congratulations on winning this AMAZING prize. I can't wait to see what you do with it!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  3. hehehe, can't believe you shows my card lol
    I am so glad you enjoyed your package of goodies Marg, and I certainly look forwards to seeing you use some of the items in your beautiful creations. You know the plastic flowers, if you want them a different colour, dig out your nail-polish - works a treat! :-)
    By the way, you were 2nd, not 3rd, I wrote it wrong (nothing new with me at the moment). Hope you are having a wonderful weekend....x

  4. Congratulations Marg!! Good on you for winning a prize....I can't wait to see what you use your new goodies on.


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