
Sunday, 9 September 2012

Gatefold Diorama

Hello everyone! I made a card for my youngest son's birthday. He is an avid gamer so I obtained some images from the net and made a small diorama. I made a gate fold card with a belly band that closes at the back with Velcro to make it easy to get on and off.

 I used papers from Prima and Graphic 45 and distressed them to get an aged look.
The small sword in the corner can actually be removed and I inked the papers on some of the edges with bronze Versa color to give it a metallic look.

I added some Make it Crafty Flower Leaf Swirls to the front of the card, coloured them with black Versa Color and smudged the edges with bronze to get a rusty look.

Added some shields (which I slightly embossed) on the inside ...
  and used a pop-up technique for the diorama.

I need to find a better place to take my photos.  I either get too much light or not enough. Anyway my son was pleased with his card and that's what really matters.
That's all for now.
Thank you so much for visiting and God Bless.
xx Marg


  1. What an amazing card, I can only your sons delight in receiving this... it truly is wonderful Very clever idea using the Velcro, must remember that myself.

    Also, are you aware you have comment moderation on? Many people don't leave comments due to this, so thought I would let you know as not always do we know moderation is on. Have a wonderful day...x

  2. Thank you Sandie. I have to admit I'm a newbie at blogging so I have no idea what moderation is all about, but I will investigate and hopefully get that sorted. Thanks again for your lovely comments. You made my day! xx Marg

  3. Hi Margy, go to your blogger settings page, a menu will be on the left, underneath settings. Click on 'Posts and Comments', scroll down the page and you will see 'Show Word Verification' next to it will be a little label type view of the word 'yes', click on this and pick 'no'. This will allow people to leave a comment for you without having to do the word verification. Word verification is really difficult and hard to read - I have good eyes and get the word wrong all the time, and give up trying to post a comment. :-( Many people won't leave a comment with this on. If ever you need a hand doing anything with your blog, just contact me via my contact button in my profile and I'll be happy to walk you through settings.

    I also noticed your name is coming up Margy's Paper Games when you leave a comment. Blogger does not like some of the symbols, so you would need to change your name without the hyphen, and this will fix. Someone else browsing might see this and know a way of being able to use the hyphen too and offer advice.

    Love your boxes at the top you made for your female family members... they are gorgeous. Have a wonderful weekend...

    1. Hi Sandie, I keep saying this but thank you, thank you, thank you, for taking the time to help me out, you are wonderful. I have fixed the verification now (Yayy!) but I'm not sure what to do about my Blog name. I might leave it for a while and, as you said, someone may see this and know a way to help. Love and hugs Marg


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate every single one.